September – Junior Doubles Tournament Registration


September 8-10 Triple Threat Tournament!
Junior Doubles is on Thursday, Sept. 8th. (see player list for dates/times)
Tournament will operate as follows:

Everyone starts in the Winner’s Bracket, games to 21. (Win by 2, cap at 23)

If you lose in the Winner’s Bracket, you drop into the Secondary Bracket, games to 15. (Win by 2, cap at 17)

And finally, if you lose in the Secondary Bracket you will drop into the Elimination Bracket, games to 11. (Win by 2, cap at 13)

If you fight off elimination long enough, there is a way for you to win your way all the way back to the Gold medal match!

Ball: TBD • Indoor Facility • Outdoor Surface • Permanent Nets • Not Sanctioned

DUPR is a free skill rating development app. As you play, and more particularly as you win, you will improve your player rating. Once you’ve downloaded the app, use CODE: USA, click the 3 lines in the upper right corner > select Edit Profile and your DUPR ID is just beneath your profile photo.


SKU: JD-Reg-Sept-22 Category:

Additional information

Mixed Doubles Player Skill Rating

2.75 Player, 3.0 Player, 3.25 Player, 3.5 Player, 3.75 Player, 4.0 Player, 4.25 Player, 4.5 Player, 4.75 Player, 5.0 Player, 5.25 Player